Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks (1990)

Twin Peaks

(17 stemmen)


Alle seizoenen

Twin Peaks - Seizoen 1

Seizoen 1

Twin Peaks - Seizoen 2

Seizoen 2



... or Jim Jarmusch and Roman Polanski team up (with some help from Stephen King?

I remember Twin Peaks being on TV when I was growing up but didn't watch it I decided recently to give it a shot, mainly because of the many references made to it in other shows, or in reviews of other shows. I assumed that for a thirty-year-old show to still be referenced so heavily it must have been of considerable quality.

I watched the first series of Twin Peaks with a healthy respect for the artistic flare of this director. The final episode, although rushed left me with a feeling of wanting more.

I skipped this on its initial run because I was tired of hearing about it all the time, but I never assumed that meant I wouldn't like it if I tried it. When it appeared on streaming for free, I gave it a try, and I watched it up until they revealed who the killer was, but I can't say I ever really got with it.

It's over. You watched and were watching as you were being watched.

Much of the nostalgia for Twin Peaks no doubt lies in its more memorable aspects: an eclectic array of characters, a spellbinding plot (at times), and a memorable score. Though I did not watch the show in its original airing, I can safely say that this oft-discussed series is and was clearly overrated.

Forced myself to watch the whole 2 seasons so my judgement would be fair.It was a difficult task, this show is so boring, going in all directions, uninteresting characters, ridicule plots, bad acting.

Overwhelmingly weird especially towards the latter part of the second season. The acting is good, but over exaggerated to emphasize the creep factor in everyone.

The original twin peaks has some very weird elements to it. This show is nothing but weird elements, and personIly, I loved it.
